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Find a Professional Plumbing Contractor in Visalia, CA

Trust Us With All Your Plumbing Needs

Call the Best Plumber in Visalia

Parker & Parker Plumbing is proud to be your number one choice for plumbing services in Visalia and the surrounding areas. We have been providing affordable, quality plumbing repairs and replacements in Visalia for more than 42 years, and our expert team can handle all of your plumbing needs. Whether you need a residential repair or a commercial copper repiping, we have the experience to get the job done right. We also specialize in advanced plumbing services like slab leak repair and sewer repair. Contact us today to request an estimate for your plumbing service in Visalia.

Our Plumbing Services 

Our team at Parker & Parker Plumbing provides a wide variety of plumbing services in Visalia to keep your home or business running smoothly.

Water Heaters: When your water starts to run cold, we can provide water heater repair, replacement, and installation.

Leak Detection: Even a small leak can lead to major water damage. Contact us right away for expert water leak detection and leak detection services.

Slab Leak Detection: A slab leak can threaten the structural integrity of your property. We’ll find the leak fast and fix it right away.

Water Filtration: Hard or contaminated water could affect the health of you and your family. We can provide whole house water filtration systems to purify your water supply.

Drain Cleaning: Trying to clean a drain yourself could lead to further damage. Save yourself the hassle – our drain cleaning services are reliable and affordable.

Backflow Testing: Backflow prevention devices and systems can prevent major property damage to your home and major public health and safety issues.

Garbage Disposals: Your garbage disposal makes your kitchen easy to enjoy. We provide expert garbage disposal installation and garbage disposal service to keep it running smoothly.

Bathroom Plumbing: Whether you need toilet installation services, shower repair, or shower installation, we can handle all of your bathroom’s plumbing.

Sewers: We specialize in underground plumbing work like sewer pipe repair, sewer pipe replacement, and copper repiping.

Trenchless: With this advanced technology, you don’t have to dig up your yard to repair your plumbing. We offer trenchless sewer line replacement, trenchless water line replacement, and trenchless water line repair.

Backflow Services: Issues like broken water mains, clogs, and power loss can cause backflows, posing a serious risk to health & safety. We offer backflow prevention services to stop potential water contamination at the source.

Plumbing Services in Visalia, California

Choose Parker & Parker Plumbing

Parker & Parker Plumbing has been providing quality plumbing services in Visalia at an affordable price for more than 35 years. Our president, William R. Parker, has more than 40 years of experience in the plumbing industry, and his team is fully trained and certified to handle even the toughest plumbing jobs. Since its inception in 1982, Parker & Parker Plumbing has been committed to providing the highest level of plumbing service in Visalia for local homes and businesses.

Vans of Parker & Parker Plumbing in Visalia, CA

Get Your Plumbing Estimate Today

When you need fast, reliable plumbing services in Visalia, you can rely on Parker & Parker Plumbing. Our Visalia plumbing company is dedicated to ensuring your overall satisfaction, and we are proud to stand behind our work. From drain cleaning to shower repair to sewer line installation, our team is your best choice for any kind of plumbing service. Get in touch with Parker & Parker Plumbing today to get your estimate for your next plumbing project.

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